Articles In 'What's Happening At John Mini'

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

Remaining at the forefront of landscape design requires ongoing education on critical shifts in our industry. At John Mini, we educate and promote the use of native plants in lieu of invasive plants. Our team hosts educational seminars that range from topics in landscape practice, nature, horti... read more.

  • May 09, 2024

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

Guidance on Tillandsias:Air Plants are members of the bromeliad family (just like the pineapple!). The major difference between them and other bromeliads is that they are part of a specific genus, tillandsia, which is considered epiphytic.Epip-what!? Epiphyte comes from the Greek epi- (meaning 'upon... read more.

  • March 24, 2023

By Mark Mini, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

To dream about where we want to go, we must first understand where we came from. I invite you to the beginnings of our business. It was sometime before December 1973. He was in the middle of a fancy hair salon with a bunch of plants and materials scattered about. One, two, maybe three trips back to... read more.

  • March 24, 2023

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

"Taking a moment to enjoy our surroundings is an excellent way to center ourselves. We are born to explore, and my family's dog, Sahara, is a supurb companion for adventure! Hiking and traveling around new places are favorite pastimes of mine, and I find it's always extra special when I can bring al... read more.

  • November 16, 2022

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

From the time I was learning to walk until the day he passed, my father told me stories about his time in Vietnam. I loved nothing more than to sit in his living room and have him show me slides, reel to reel motion videos, pictures and old battle wounds. I can still hear the slide machine make that... read more.

  • September 14, 2022

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

One of my favorite classes during my MBA was Statistics. Professor Krystofiak was an amazing teacher and the only one that truly stands out from my 5 years at UB. He taught us statistics by teaching us to use Excel for data modeling. By the end of our coursework, I was fluent in Excel and data model... read more.

  • April 28, 2022

By George Axiotakis, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

John Mini uses a variety of plants in its color program, including anthuriums, bromeliads,kalanchoes and a few orchid species. We use them alone in dish gardens, in combinationbowl gardens, and in open terrariums. Orchids are prized for their beautiful flowers, amongthe most spectacular in the plant... read more.

  • March 31, 2022

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

Both of my parents immigrated here from Ireland almost 40 years ago. They didn’t have much growingup but they made the most of it and came here for a better life. Growing up in a first-generationhousehold with 3 siblings, you needed to be resourceful because new things didn’t appear out... read more.

  • March 18, 2022

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

I have always been an outdoors kind of person, playing outside dawn till dusk as a kid in and around Cleveland Ohio. I developed a connection to the woods and farmland spending the days climbing, digging, catching, planting, and building with what nature made available. As I got older and became inf... read more.

  • February 14, 2022

By John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, Posted in What's Happening At John Mini

Never give up! No matter how dark today is, always have faith for tomorrow to be better.  My parents had great faith and always taught us to never give up. They had to have faith because they had a whole lot of children, just bunches!! My faith had sustained me through out my entire l... read more.

  • November 11, 2021